Rough Pencil, 

Rough Color,
Pencil Shader,

Stained Glass,

Neiman effect


The tip of the pencil - when it comes to Photoshop Scripts
Pencil Pixels Photoshop Scripts for Art Effects

 Rough Pencil Script
Pp Rough Pencil Script - Movie Still Pp Rough Pencil Script - Stock Photo Pp Rough Pencil Script - Stock Photo Pp Rough Pencil Script - Selfie Pp Rough Pencil Script - Movie Still Pp Rough Pencil Script - PR Photo
Rough Pencil for Elements - This script works best with subjects against a solid or simple background, but it will retain small detail as well.  Subject matter that is isolated from the background produces a better pencil-like drawing effect. Great for selfies, portraits, figure and architectural imagery.

Purchase information and Free evaluation download below

 Comic Art Script
Pp Comic Script - Stock Photo Pp Comic Script - PR Photo Pp Comic Script - Stock Photo Pp Comic Script - Online Image Pp Comic Script - Wallpaper Pp Comic Script - Wallpaper
Comic for Elements - Two script options are included with this download. The first 'Smooth' produces a smooth Toon like appearance with enhanced shadow areas. The second produces a Comicbook cell look, including page texture, Dot Pattern and Outlined Border.
By changing the opacity of the different adjusting layers, you can customize the graphic to suit the feel of the image.

Purchase information and Free evaluation download below

 Marker Script
Pp Marker Script - Wallpaper Pp Marker Script - Wallpaper Pp Marker Script - PR Photo Pp Marker Script - Wallpaper Pp Marker Script - Wallpaper Pp Marker Script - Stock Photo
Marker for Elements - This Script effect generates a marker drawn border and tone fill-in of color that looks as if drawn in color markers.  Many individual component layers are included which make up the effect. By adjusting the opacities of these layers or by making layers visible or not, a number of variations can be achieved... from simple outline fill-ins to detailed artistic character drawings.

Purchase information and Free evaluation download below

 Autumn Enhancement Script
Pp Autumn Effect - Wallpaper Pp Autumn Effect - Wallpaper Pp Autumn Effect - Wallpaper Pp Autumn Effect - Wallpaper Pp Autumn Effect - Online Image Pp Autumn Effect - Online Image
Autumn Enhancement for Elements - FREE This Script works on color images. It changes the feeling of the image by transforming colors into the tones of Fall, Harvest, Autumn, Halloween, whatever you call the season. NOTE: The script has no effect on Black & white or Desaturated images - the more color the better the effect.

Free download below

Script Free/Evaluation
Buy Now Purchase
Rough Pencil Free Elements Evaluation Script Download from Penci Pixels - Rough Pencil $6.00
Comic (2 options) Free Elements Evaluation Script Download from Penci Pixels - Comic $3.50
Marker Free Elements Evaluation Script Download from Penci Pixels - Marker $4.00
Autumn Enhancement Pencil Pixels Free Download Elements Script FREE -
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Free Elements Evaluation Script Download from Penci PixelsEvaluation Downloads
Evaluation Scripts have a watermark, but no size or timeout restrictions and used to evaluate larger sized image needs.
Evaluate if the effect works to your expectation BEFORE purchasing. Important. Here's why.

Pencil Pixels Free Download Elements Script
FREE Downloads

The free downloads have no size or time restrictions and no watermark.

Like our other scripts, you can create variations of the effects by turning on or off some of the layers that effect density, color, effects layers and more.

Some Elements scripts may have 2 or more effects. When you first select the script, a dialog box with options will appear. Select your choice by the number of that effect.

Each of the image effects usually include layers to adjust contrast, density, texture, color, as well as several layers that make up the effect. The effects are made to work on average lightness and contrast images. By first adjusting the original image's values - lighter, darker, more or less contrast - will augment the effect in different ways.

Art tools of my past making Photoshop tools of the future - PencilPixels     Pencil Pixels Elements Script icon             Like us on FB & know when NEW/FREE effects are out.

Hint: Fade the effect with the original image.

Hint: Different amounts of shading in the final effect are obtained by changing the original's contrast and density before using the Script. Example

Original Matchprint

Matchprint using the Pencil Pixels effect - Rough Pencil Matchprint using the Pencil Pixels effect - Comic
Matchprint with Rough Pencil Matchprint with Comic
Matchprint using the Pencil Pixels effect - Marker Matchprint using the Pencil Pixels effect - Autumn Enhancement
Matchprint with Marker Matchprint with Autumn

You can vary the effect by changing the opacity of the different effect layers

Our scripts work on Photoshop CS through CS6 and current versions on Creative Cloud, on Mac and Windows.
Some scripts are re-developed for use with Elements V13 & V14.
If you have earlier versions, download the evaluation scripts to test with. Both Photoshop and Elements, in International Language versions, should work correctly. However, please try our evaluation scripts before purchasing.

Please contact us if you have problems in downloading, encounter any issues or have suggestions. Be sure to indicate if you're on Mac or Windows, the version of Photoshop/ Elements you are running, as well as screen grabs.