The download for your purchased files, and for any free files and evaluation files from Pencil Pixels, will be automatically downloaded as a zip file. It will be downloaded to the folder or drive that you have designated or specifically arranged to receive downloads.
Usually, the receipt of a zip file will automatically expand or alert you that there is a file to be unzipped. Most operating systems employ this capability. For purchased files, when the PayPal transaction is verified and completed, usually the download starts immediately.
if you HAVE received a PayPal email receipt and have NOT received a downloaded file from PencilPixels, or if the downloaded file is not in your designated download or specified for downloads folders, PLEASE contact us by email directly
If you have received a PayPal receipt and have not received the download, it may have been pushed into your email SPAM box. PLEASE look there first before contacting us.
In corresponding with us, the email is through a PencilPixel gmail, email address.
Note, if you have a .iCloud or a .me email address, there may be a problem with gmail sending / receiving email to that address. If there is the possibility that your email service may not be able to receive email from our gmail account, please try an alternate email address method.
When contacting Pencil Pixels, please include the date of purchase, the PayPal transaction number and a different email address, if needed, and we'll get the purchase to you.
We do apologize if this happens, and we will make evert effort to supply the product to you as soon as possible.