How to use Photoshop Scripts.
Download and unzip the file into a folder you can easily find.
You can access the script from Photoshop, 2 ways:
Once you have your image open in Photoshop,
1- Through the File menu >> Scripts >> Browse... as illustrated below
and select the script from the folder you've stored it in.
2- The script can appear directly from your Photoshop script list (File >> Scripts) . To do this, you just place the script in the Photoshop scripts folder. More info below the illustration...
The second method for selecting scripts. The script can appear directly from your
Photoshop script list ( File >> Scripts ) . To do this, you just place the downloaded script in
the Photoshop scripts folder. Here is the typical location of the scripts folder;
For Windows, its: C:\Program Files\Adobe\[Photoshop version]\Presets\Scripts\
For a MAC: On your hard drive> Applications> [Photoshop version]> Presets> Scripts.